I shared {almost} all of the gifts I made and gave at Christmas, and now, finally, it's time to share some of the awesomeness I received.
{Mushroom Pillowcases}
artist ~ my sister Sarah
medium ~ freezer paper stencil, tie-dye, awesomeness
{Dyed Hoodie}
artist ~ my sister Kris
medium ~ sweat, shirt, tie-dye, awesomeness
artist ~ my almost sister Nik
medium ~ Shrub {made from apple cider vinegar & fresh fruit}, Organic Vanilla Sugar, Vanilla Extract, Teas!, and awesomeness
artist ~ Flossie
medium ~ fresh roasted beans, and a cinnamon stick, oh, and awesomeness
What am I doing right now, on this Friday evening? Well, of course I'm grinding coffee beans for the morning, at which point my coffee will be sweetened with some vanilla sugar, sipping a shrub, while dawning my hoodie. oh, wait, now I'm resting my head on a bed of mushrooms.
ps ~ I'm a night owl and I have a picture to prove it. coming soon.
Happy Weekend*
all the swesome-ness is overwhelming. in a good way. makes one embrace giving. and receiving