Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Summer Solstice!

My current knitting with its circular twirl is reminding me of an abstract sun::

It's an adult pinwheel sweater... and when held at the right angle, it's producing some great sun flares::

To celebrate this year's solstice I baked a Spice Nut Cake with Orange Frosting::I thought something citrusy with a bit of orange or yellow would be the perfect solstice cake. The cake and frosting recipe can be found here. I used candied orange slices to create the little sun decoration using these directions.

We decided that celebrating the solstice should become a regular event around here, included in the celebration is the making of Summer Resolutions and Goals for the season. What do you want to accomplish or do differently to make the most of your summer?

I hope you're enjoying the day and enjoying the sunshine*