Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The end of an era

My flight to CA today marks the end of our BOS<->OAK run, it was the easiest cross country travel route you could imagine. Rarely a delay, always a direct flight, what could be better? Soon we'll be looking for the perks in the BOS<->FRA and routes FRA<->SCE (try to find that one!).

A fun haiku to mark the end of this adventure:

JET (BLUE) me to OAK
non-stop, personal T.V.
Red-eye back to BOS

And today's soundtrack? A throwback to the Eighties. Whenever I hear this song, it makes me think of the Goonies, and the Cyndi Lauper concert C & I snuck into our a few years ago in Berkeley. fun fun. enjoy*