Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well that was a break and a half! How much are you loving the longer days?

As the weather warms, I'm going to be spending many {MANY} sunny hours outside tending the amazing yard when we inherited with the house. As I've met new neighbors, they've introduced me to other new neighbors, telling them that I moved into the "garden house". If that's not pressure to maintain this house's best feature, I don't know what is!

So of course, I want to document this journey on the blog. It'll be a great way for me to document changes throughout the seasons and from one year to the next. Some posts will be simple picture updates, others will contain research and garden projects {look out for a shrub pruning update next!}. Oh, and how do you like the little Garden Journal header for the post? I had to find a way to let those cute bees from the wedding invites make a regular appearance on the blog.

This first post is an introduction to the different areas of the garden as they appear in late February.

A bed dominated by lavender and lamb's ear around the mailbox::

A variety of succulent ground covers along the driveway::

A weeping cherry with early spring perennials that are followed by a shade garden of hostas and ferns::

The shrubs! I love the size and natural look of these shrubs bordering the front porch {let's hope I can keep them that way}. In front of the shrubs is a small garden of succulents and perennials::

The beds bordering the side of the house. Full of sedum, and asters in the fall, and clematis climbing up the deck::

The back yard. It has a variety of flowers along the house, and a bed with two large birch trees and a Harry Lauders Walking Stick::

It looks a bit drab, huh? How about some pictures from the first day we walked through the house? Looking at these, I can't believe just how green and lush it was.

The front::

The porch::

Side beds::

And the back::

Fortunately, with all of those perennials, my job this first year will be to watch everything grow, clean up last year's dead foliage, and pull the weeds!

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