Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Summer Shower

These two products are the staples of my summer shower::

You'd think the Body Shop was sponsoring this post, they aren't, I'm just addicted.

I thought about it and realized that I've been using the peppermint foot scrub for over ten years now! Is that possible? I only use it a few times each summer, so a container lasts about two years. Want something really refreshing? Scrub up with the scrub, then use your favorite peppermint foot lotion. Keep that in your pocket for the next heat wave.

The Grapefruit Shower Gel is something new to me. I used to use their grapefruit glycerin soap, but the past couple of summers I was feeling unsatisfied, there just wasn't enough of that grapefruit punch that I was looking for. Picking up the shower gel was like getting punched in the face with a field of grapefruits. Seriously, I'm convinced that there's a ton of grapefruit zest in every bottle. How do they do it? I want to eat it.

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