Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Last week I couldn't knit at all, but since Saturday I've been picking it up and knitting a row here and there. Every time telling C that I'm *almost* done.

I'm just rounding the top corner with the border. I'll knit these stitches from right to left across the back, put the stitches on a holder, pick up the border stitches from the left side, knit those across the back until both sides meet in the middle and then stitch them together. Then it's just a matter of sewing the underarm seams, and blocking!


  1. That sweater is going to be just beautiful and I need to say the crochet blanket underneath is gorgeous as well.
    Did you make that?

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Hey Dr & Dr Pea,
    Tom and I would love to come up to the farm on Easter. I long for that magical place. I will bring along the means to roast coffee beans. Okay? We just need a time when the libation and sustenance begins. And can we bring anything?
