Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tomatoes in Burlap!

A friend gave C some extra tomato plants last weekend ~ grape and brandywine. It's a late start, but for a chance to watch these little guys grow, bloom, and produce some fruit, we're willing to give it a go.

Using what we had on hand, I planted each plant in it's own burlap sack. One is a coffee sack from Flossie {our coffee-roasting-guru}, and the other is a burlap shopping bag. The burlap is lined with a garbage bag, poking a few holes in the bottom to let the water drain.

I'm now in love with plants in burlap. How great would some large sacks look overflowing with flowers? I could even see tucking a sack full of mums into my garden to fill in the holes that develop as the summer flowers fade. The burlap will begin to rot by the end of the summer, so doing this again next year may require buttering up the local coffee roaster for some empty sacks...

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