Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Baby {Sweater} Watch 2013 :: Part 2

Pattern :: Baby Sophisticate
Yarn :: Lion Brand Woolease

And what to do with the extra yarn from this project? Knit our birth class instructor a uterus! Obv.

She already had a model pelvis and the wee baby that slid oh-so-easily {I'm assuming it's going to work just like that on the nugget's birth day!} through the pelvis, but she didn't have a uterus. So I knit her a life-size prop for future classes. The blue lines provide approximate measurements that she can use to discuss growth throughout a pregnancy... and nothing says "running out of yarn" like my awkward decrease near the top {right side}, but I figured that future mama's will be more focused on the stretching that's going on near the bottom than the funny slope of the top!

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