Friday, September 29, 2006

a surprise is in the works!

I can't provide many specifics during this post because I'm working on a !surprise! for a wedding. But I'm so excited that I wanted to give a sneak peak...

This is what I had accomplished by the end of Grey's Anatomy last night, but then I just couldn't stop...

Can you guess what it is? There's still a lot more work to be done, but I don't think I can post any more pictures or else the cat will be out of the bag (see last picture of the day). I have a vision for this surprise, but it's going to require a lot of modifications from a pattern I found. The modifications will be worth it, but I'm just hoping that there isn't a lot of frogging in the process.

Speaking of cats, look at what I saw out my window over the weekend! This cat was out and about long enough for me to take this fun picture:

Have a great day!

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