Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Winter Foliage tags and cards

In getting ready for the big craft fair this November, I created Winter Foliage tags to attach to my items. I also created some Winter Foliage stationary, mainly cards. I'm not sure if I want to sell the cards or just use them as my own personal stationary...

For both items, I used a photograph of a dried Allium flower. Alliums are a related to onions and the ornamental varieties are beautiful in gardens. This picture captures the essence of Winter Foliage - the grace of plant scaffolding that's most visible when the living foliage has dried or fallen. For example, I love the silhouette of dried Queen Anne's Lace and would like to use them to create more tags and cards. There's so much inspiration to be fond on brisk fall or winter walks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Kater~ Great job! I love your tags, they're very "you". Looks like you've been busy...I'm just waiting for your Etsy store to pop up. xoxo
