Saturday, January 23, 2010

The view from here ::

I showed you my refurbished desk before. Check it out here. A little update ~ the desk's treating me well, and a new keyboard was purchased to ease my computer woes!

Now for another corner of my room, my bed::The throw pillow is covered with a print by Masha D'yans. good stuff

I added a new piece of artwork recently ~ the burlap coffee bag hanging on the wall over the bed. I'd like to use it for something crafty, maybe one of these wonderful burlap baskets. I knew that the coffee sack would nag at me if I just left it as a "to-do", so I put it to use, and now there's no nagging! Plus, the coffee sack does a perfect job of adding some texture and dimension to what was once a big blank wall.

Opposite my bed there are two huge, old windows that face the roof of a quaint New England church. Here's the bell::

And here's the steeple::...I haven't opened the doors, but I'm sure it's full of people.

Having that big, blank roof out my window is almost like having a "weather rock". If the roof is wet, it's raining. If it's white, it's snowing.... and that last one is the most fun. There have been a few times this winter when I've woken up in the middle of the night to a white roof and was psyched knowing that city was blanketed with fresh snow.

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