Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yes, we still play with yarn

It may not seem like it based upon all of the distractions at Chez Winterfoliage, but I do squeak in some knitting {and crocheting} here and there.

Currently occupying my needles::That's Aidez, a sweater that will be the perfect winter to spring transition piece. I'm making it with some unnamed wool that I picked up at Rhinebeck three years ago! As you can see, I'm also knitting it seamless, because it's the way I roll.

I'm not good at knitting colorful sweaters for myself, but the day I bought this yarn I was feeling adventurous. I brought the yarn home, took a picture, blogged about it, and then immediately put it away because I wasn't so sure about the color. I decided that my feelings about the yarn weren't getting any better with it just sitting there, and since my bright green Owl sweater was such a success, it was time to knit up this yarn and *hope* that it grows on me.

I think it's working. If nothing else, the sweater's definitely growing. I have to admit that I love all of the oatmeal Aidezes that I've seen, but I'm trying my hardest to love this purple guy. And really, it is great yarn, check out the specks of red and blue in this closeup::

What else is going on? Some secret wedding knitting::

And, of course, I'm still working on the hexagon afghan. Here's a picture on our queen-sized bed for scale::I think I'm going to increase it by another 50% for a nice, cozy afghan.

ps ~ I've listened to yesterday's song on repeat all evening. It's good.

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