Sunday, July 17, 2011

For a Summer Baby

This is the sweater that I gave you a sneak peak of at the end of May.
As I mentioned, it was my first time skipping buttons in lieu of ribbon. I love how it turned out ~ the green ribbon with the white yarn is perfect for a summer baby named Charlotte! Although I admit, as I tied and re-tied the ribbon, trying to get it just right, I realized that buttons may be the quicker and more practical choice for dressing a baby.
I'm sure no one will be thinking about practicality when they see the new baby in her lacy sweater!

A few details::

Needle size ~ US 5 {note to self, I'm 98% sure they were fives, but should double check~}
Yarn ~ Lane Cervinia Calzetteria, a sock yarn from Italy via Flossie {thanks!}. It's a great, washable sock yarn.
Modifications ~ I knit the body in one piece, when I get to the arms, I put these stitches on holders and continue knitting the body in one piece until the end. I then pick up the stitches for the arms and knit them in the round. No seams to sew!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cute! Nobody thinks about practicality when it comes to baby clothing. The little one will look super cute in this.
