There was definitely some knitting** on the deck::

But this didn't last long, because we moved all activities down to the dock.
First we towed a dock::

This was a public dock that came loose and floated its way over to our neck of the woods. We were overjoyed with the increase in dock size {ours is much smaller}, so we set ourselves up with some drinks, and a few lawn chairs, and we were about to float the day away... that's when we saw four kayakers headed our way - they were here to reclaim their dock, so rather than vacate the premises, we found some paddles and joined them for the ride.
That, my friends, opened up a world of possibilities.
We started simple, we untied our dock, picked up a few more drinks, and took it out for a ride.
On our next trip, we flew a kite off the dock::

Eventually we jumped off the dock::

The water was a burly 33-35F, flowing into the lake from the melting snow. Jumping required courage.
And, you know, one thing leads to another, and before the end of the weekend, we bbqed on the dock::

Yes, while the dock was floating in the middle of the lake. And yes, we did have a few boaters pull up along side us to see what this monstrosity was, but none of them took us up on the offer to dock their boats with us.
Warning ~ only try to bbq if you've spent a couple of days on the dock and feel confident with your dock maneuvering skills, especially when the thunder starts to roll in.
**I'm almost finished with the hood of my vivian, so pictures will come soon!