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I was about to move on from the beach pictures, but I plugged in my camera and found a few more worth sharing!

The hazy sunset from our last day at on the beach::

After the beach, I was home for a day. This summer seems to be flying by, but in the moments when I run into a summer fur ball::

... or sit down to a meal of fresh-from-the-garden veggies::

I remember that summer's still here for a little while!
Sometime in July I finished my adult pinwheel sweater, but I never blocked it, so I took it to the beach with me, with high hopes of blocking. That didn't happen, so I stuffed it into my luggage and brought it west. All it took were a couple of cool, Bay Area evenings to motivate the blocking, and I'm so happy with the finished product... this picture isn't great, but I'll take some good ones soon::

And what's that behind me? Our new digs in Oakland! C moved to Jack London Square, a fine, up-and-coming neighborhood that's full of character. The neighborhood has old, abandoned factories that are being turned into lofts and condos. Here's the only picture I have at the moment, but we'll spruce this place up and I'll take some more soon!

As for today? I'm off to San Fran to meet up with a friend at
Samovar, followed by a stop at the
Curiosity Shoppe!