We're still here! Livin' life. Living the pumpkin-picking, sweater-wearing, fall life, and it's been good.

I love the photo albums and journaling in this format, and I'm so sad I haven't been keeping up with it lately. As everyone and their mother has told me ~ time will fly, and it has.
We celebrated Little A's half-birthday this month {with half a cake and a party hat, of course!}.
Alex's new skills include eating, telling us with loud grunts and grumbles when he is definitely unhappy, and sitting up on his own!
That last skill was particularly handy when we spent the weekend in Saxis, transplanting some of the perennials that we thinned out from my house. I've never moved plants like this before, so I'm really excited to see how everything does this spring. If we're successful, it was such an easy {and cheap} way to get a garden started down there {the white "fence" is to help our over-zealous mower stay in the lines}.
The whole weekend we were able to put Alex outside on a blanket with a few toys to play while we worked ~ freedom!
Since there's been far too little knitting around these parts, let's end with the aforementioned wool-wearing. I didn't get much of a chance to wear my Stasis sweater or the Seasons hat {I'm not sure if I've even posted about this after it was finished?} because I was pregnant last winter. The hat is knit from yarn that was leftover from the sweater, and I like having the same-same, but different set. I've been wearing the two non-stop making up for lost time.
Finally, knitting does happen around here! Alex is sporting a new hat ~ just a little cable number that I made up using some Debbie Bliss alpaca-silk. It's uber cozy and uber stretchy for that growing noggin.
And that is it! We are most definitely alive and kicking. If time is on my side, a whole month won't pass without an update.
Happy Friday!