Saturday, April 03, 2010

Ahhh, did you notice? Spring's here! Unfortunately I've been spending 24, no, more like, 25-7 in front of the computer. It's so much screen-time that even posting some pictures seemed like a chore, sorry about that.

Anywho, back to spring {and knitting}. While the cats bathed in the sun, C and I took advantage of the nice weather last weekend to go on a little trek through the woods.

No adventure's complete without a few water obstacles. Some required a running start::
Others a bit of balance::
... take note of a couple of well-worn, hiking-appropriate knits {paired with footwear not meant for swamps!}.

And the next day? it rained.

AND, you don't think that's all the knitting do you? I finally have some long-overdue finished projects coming up. Stay tuned; I'll be back.

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