I thought I'd give you two for one, my blocked pinwheel and some final pictures of the new Oakland place {for those interested in that sort of thing}...
Check this out::

It's the pinwheel back. And if you look to the right, do you see C sitting in the apartment? He's sitting in front of these windows that provide a lovely view of the Oakland skyline::

We've been enjoying the lights of the city at night.
Here's the sweater front::

And if I turn the camera around, I get this picture::

That's the inside courtyard of the building. The pool has become quite the gathering place for people in the building. Whenever the weather's nice, you can count on a few people hanging out by the pool.
And for the grand finale, I'm using a nail to close my pinwheel!::

I didn't make buttonholes because I was thinking I wanted something more interesting than a button, and when I saw this laying on a workbench, the sweater was complete!
A few more notes on the sweater::
~ it's super easy!
- I used Lion Brand fisherman wool, and the whole sweater cost $16!
~ I'll definitely use that yarn again, I'm even thinking of starting a new sweater with it soon... we'll see.
~ I also love the pinwheel pattern, it is super easy, and easily adjustable to any body size and any amount of extra comfy bulk that you desire. I leaned towards a smaller, fitter version, but I do see that most people like to make this a bit bigger for snuggling.