As I approached this hydrangea bush the other day, the buzz of bees was unmistakable. They were jumping from one open flower to the next collecting pollen.
And when I uploaded the pictures, I realized that I had a perfect shot of the hydrangea's transition from closed to open buds in this next photo. 
The flower on the left is still closed while the one on the right is open and ready for business.
Inside, we've been working away crocheting some flowers for the big day.

We want to use these to create garland for hanging around the farm. Just a little something here and there to add a bit of color. These particular flowers are from Soozs'
daisy chain necklace pattern.

This is my second crocheting adventure {after the afghan}, and it's going swimmingly! To keep things interesting, we want flowers of varying size, color, pattern, etc. While playing around with this pattern and my small repritoire of stitches, I came up with a simple way to make a larger version of the daisy, but I'll save those details for another post.
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