I hope Autumn's treating you well. Me? I've been so bowled over by life that it's been hard to find time for crafting, cooking, or taking photos let alone blogging about anything along those lines. Although, I have a sense things are about to change! {The little piggy below is skeptical. Don't pay attention to him.}

I am officially done with my PhD; all 200+ pages of my dissertation are off of my desk and in the good hands of the folks in the library who will turn them into microfiche. Funny, right? So, what's next? Well, there's still a wedding that needs planning, and {fingers crossed} there will be plenty of projects required to spruce up our new living quarters! You could say I'm as happy as a pig ...

Plus, the weekends! Now begins a life of {relatively} free weekends {I'm sure my crazy brain will want to work, so I don't want to claim that every weekend will be free:-)}, but I'm off to a great start! First it was the fair with the Schwartz clan and this weekend it's a wine tour of the NY Finger Lakes region with some fantastic ladies. Let the fun begin.

1 comment:
We had a blast. I was sorry that we had to cut the Fair Day a bit short to pick up our co-op. :( I'm so excited for all the planning and the promise of fun-filled weekends!
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