I went to the Harvard Square Octoberfest this past weekend and had a great time. They were calling for rain, but we lucked out and had a beautiful day. The festival was particularly lively because the Honk Parade came through ~ I don't know all of the details about Honk, but here's what I know:: This Honk Parade was comprised of activist marching bands from around the world {seriously, Germany, France, etc}, I think they were marching and playing for peace. When they arrived in Harvard Square, the bands would take turns playing, so between that and the three stages that were set up, there was plenty of music for our ears. There was also plenty of good food, and general fun ~and of course, a green, furry bike!!~.

Now, on to socks! I didn't do much last year during Socktoberfest {maybe one pair?}, but this year, I Socktoberfest is coming at a perfect time. I'm just finishing up a few big projects {tilted duster, EZ sweater, etc}, and so I think between the sweater knitting, I'll enjoy the small sock projects. I'm leaving tomorrow for a weekend in CA, so I thought I'd start off the month with a sock project using up some of my many scraps from past socks. ~Plus I don't have time to pick up new sock yarn before I leave, and *yikes*, unlike some knitters, I don't have a stash of sock yarn hiding in my closet!

Ho, ho, ho... will you be spending this time in Berkeley, by any chance?
i love my socks from last holiday season. they were really the perfect gift. i've started working on a few gifts...heheh...i'll post some pics soon.
miss you!
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