I finished Orangina, just minutes before our local library opened, so I took it along for a quick photo shoot::

I wasn't quite dressed for the occasion, so I promise some more pictures of Orangina was I've blocked it and am wearing a more appropriate tank underneath!
I used Knitpicks Risata yarn for this project, and am so happy with the results.
Now back to birthday fun, one fantabulous gift that I received was a waterproof bag for taking underwater shots. Like this::

So, after the knitting, and swimming, we were off to a Bon Jovi concert. Queue the mullets.

{Someone's mullet was a bit rough right out of the packaging, so he combed it while we were on the subway.}

Well, all the celebrating and summer fun put me in the mood for a little CONTEST! In the spirit of summer birthdays, summer knitting, and cold beers on hot summer nights, here's the contest:
Leave me a comment and tell me something you love about summer. And remember to make sure that I can get in touch with you (either through your blog, or by leaving your email address). I will randomly choose a winner and you'll receive a set of the Ravely Pint Glasses!
The contest will remain open until Wednesday, July 16th at noon. Good Luck!!
Happy Belated!
I love summer fruit. Nectarines, peaches, watermelon. Yum. And good tomatoes. Double excellent.
Heat, I like the warm weather too.
happy bday, pretty girl.
what could be better than knitting in the library. the f.o. is awesome. and i love the mullet thing, you are a total riot.
summer, it meant late evening on the patio with a nice cold drink...now it means early evening on the patio watching the little ones play.
hope i win so i combine the two memories in a cool pint glass.
The thing I love most about summer is being at home with my family (I'm away at university for most of the year). I also love swimming in the river.
I love being just here during the summer - I sleep til 11 and sit in my living room for the rest of the day. and that's IT. It's glorious.
summer fun=
1. fun parties with old friends,
2. picnics in the yard with old, ratty quilts,
3. memories of homemade ice cream that was soooo soft and creamy,
4. watermelon seed spitting contests,
5. the smell. god, i love the smell of summer
sorry I'm a little late on the entry....
i f'n love your mullets. out of curiosity, did C wear his during the bike races?
the smell of the fresh cut grass/fields. you know pop only does it rarely so it's certainly a treat. maybe the lightning bugs beat that out though. you missed out sometime when i was home last-there were tons. nice sweater dude!
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