The past few days have been full of storms here in Boston. They've been grand, summer storms full of pounding thunder and ginormous drops of rain. I would expect a week of rain to interfere with my summer days, but we've worked around the rain amazingly well (C only got 'stuck in the car' once and had to wait for the rain to die down). So today I decided to stay inside and work from home. As I was drinking my morning coffee, I could hear the wind picking up outside. Even though I know that it's really a balmy 70-80 degrees out, I told C that the stormy winds blowing through the trees 'felt like fall'.
And so, when I sat down to work, I thought I'd share these pictures which look like fall (although they were taken in the spring!).
This is an old apron that I bought for $0.25 at a yard sale... $0.25!

And the sweater I'm wearing? That's a well loved and well worn sweater that my grandmother made for my pop. It's so well loved that it has felted in many patches.

I hope you're enjoying your day, whatever the season*
grammy sweaters are the bomb no doubt. we'll have to rave about them at the beach so she knows just how baller they are. you and the c-man get excited, a few days until beach week!!
i was thinking the same about the grammy sweaters
as for you guys and the beach,.......................prepared to my dominated.
#1. i meant prepared to BE dominated.
(i dont know where my head is)
and ps. this is sarah O:)
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