As I showed you earlier, I made Soulemama's Gratitude Wrap for my sister Sarah. {you can find a free pattern for the wrap on the left side bar of Soulemama's blog}.

This was another one of those fun and easy projects that's easily modified. I used a piece of a tapestry {that I bought at urban outfitters} for the outside fabric. You may recognize this as the same fabric I used to make my laptop case not long ago.

My first modification was with the closure. The original pattern calls for ties, but I wasn't a big fan of those because I wanted something sleeker/less bulky. So, I sewed in a little loop of some "piping" {I'm not sure what it's really called!}, and then I sewed a button on the back to wrap the loop around::

On the inside, I didn't make any major modifications, just added some more details. A metal "S" that I picked up at Black Ink in Cambridge::

And some more buttons::

And then, I was hit with this surprise from supermama Nik::

She knocked my socks off with this great apron and oven mitt to use while baking some fresh bread from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. The apron and mitt are amazing, I love the colors and the fun details {green pompoms!}.

And the bread book? As many people have mentioned, this book is great. We took it on vacation with us and baked bread all week - french bread, pizza dough, sticky buns, yum. The bread baking really is that easy.
And what's that rising in my kitchen right now? BREAD!
And what's growing in my yard? Some "little fingers" eggplant veggies::

Have a great weekend*
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