Other than going out to a yoga class {resolution #3 :: attend at least 1 yoga class per week. so far so good!}, and running to the craft and grocery store for supplies, we stayed in and embraced the cozy.
A big pot of black bean soup was on the stove {working on my food-photography skills here}::
It was time to polish the wooden spoons and cutting boards. Below's a before shot, and above's the cutting board after it was buffed to a shine. More details about the beeswax/mineral oil wood balm here.
Speaking of balms, it was time to get serious about keeping my skin nourished. My hands are always a mess, and it just gets worse in winter. Basic hand lotions are too light, so I go straight for a heavier salves and balms. Some people don't like them because they're heavy, sticky, and can come with an odor {C thinks I smell like cigars when I use Bag Balm}, but I can't get enough of their sking-protecting powers. I love Burt's Bees cuticle cream and hand salve {they come in nice small containers that can be thrown in any bag}, but I started using Bag Balm last year and now I'm hooked::
When my hands weren't sticky/balmy, I was busy knitting up a sweater for a friend's baby that should arrive any moment now. Since this little one is arriving in January in Boston, I thought a cozy cabled sweater was just right.
How do you know you've spent more than enough time inside? When you upload your photos and see just how many cups of coffee were photographed over the course of the weekend.

So that was our cozy, winter weekend. How was yours?
Sounds like my kind of weekend!Your baby sweater looks lovely.
Those coffee concoctions looks delish! I would gladly take down a tree if that was in my other hand.
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