I started this EZ February Baby sweater during Obama's speech on Thursday evening. After a few frustrating days of studying (it's hard to study when the weather's beautiful!), I took off Thursday night to listen to the DNC and do some knitting. I already had the yarn on hand, so starting the sweater at the spur of the moment was no problem.
You might not be able to tell from the picture, but this sweater is that "baby green" color, you know, the one that's always on the shelf next to the baby pinks and blues. I'm starting to feel like this minty green color is a bit over-used for baby stuff, maybe I'm wrong? I have some dark brown yarn of the same variety, so I might try to make a brown and green bonnet to go with the sweater, maybe it'll make the green more sophisticated and less pastel-baby? I'll keep you updated!
And here's another product of our tie-dying adventure::

Enjoy the long weekend!