I was surfing my favorite blogs today looking for new posts and nothing! It must be a busy week for everyone because the new posts are slow coming, then I looked in the mirror. I haven't posted since last weekend, so here you go:
Unfortunately, I'm posting this from my school computer, so pictures will come later, but I'll give you some links for now.
This week I've been working on
Dashing for a friend. I'm using a super soft alpaca.
My new
charlies are a pair from the Interweave Knits book Favorite Socks.
Grumperina gives a great review of this book in her March 2 post.
I've put the
sunshine sweater on hold for this week. Going back and forth to school only left time for small projects. Maybe a good movie will give me some knitting time this weekend.
A few things on the horizon:I have to line some cosmetic bags for an upcoming craft fair. I found some great material of my mom's to use for the liners.
I also have to work on some more stationary, and maybe post some on etsy. Look out.
In other news:Check out this blog - noimpactman.com It could make for some fun and inspiring reading over the next year.
At the same time I love and am scared of the sleep eyes on these
plush animals.
Check out
Domesticat, she had a great idea for a knitterly pen-pal exchange! I might sign up but I'm going to be moving all around this spring and am worried that mail will get lost in transition:-\.
On the ReadyMade Blog, I thought
this pin hole digital camera idea was cool.
I really like the
Glee sweater and may try to make it without the pattern! I can do it!